Course Content
Basic information about the module
Dear students, please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us via Discord. Sustainable Mobility Team
Your collaborative student project
Dear students, please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us via Discord or MS Teams. Sustainable Mobility Team
4.3 Applications from the institutional aspects: Decision making process
Hello students Welcome to a new module. The topic of this module is decision making. The module includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz. Do not hesitate to contact me via the Discord. Enjoy your studies Jiri M. Krupka (hereinafter only JMK)
4.4 Applications from the institutional aspects: Process of multi criteria decision making
Hello students Welcome to a new module. Its topic is decision based on multiple criteria. The module includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz. Do not hesitate to contact me via the Discord. Enjoy your studies Jiri M. Krupka (hereinafter only JMK)
Sustainable Mobility
About Lesson

This lesson consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the question: What is meant by thinking about decision-making as a system? The second part deals with the question: What is meant by decision-making as stages of the decision-making process?

Study the attached presentation below and then answer the following questions:

  • What does mean decision making?
  • What is a structure and main parts of ‘an open system’ and ‘a cybernetic system’?
  • Is there a relationship between system and decision making?
  • Can you find a video which deals with activities/phases of decision making processes in public available sources?
  • What is a structure of decision-making process?
  • What means Simon’s four phases model of decision-making process?
  • Can you explain phases: intelligence, design, choice and implementation?
  • Can you find a video which deals with activities/phases of decision making processes in public available sources?


The full audio recording of the presentation is available in this file:

The full text of the presentation is in the following file:

Full text of presentation

Exercise Files
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