Course Content
Basic information about the module
Dear students, please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us via Discord. Sustainable Mobility Team
Your collaborative student project
Dear students, please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us via Discord. Sustainable Mobility Team
4.3 Applications from the institutional aspects: Decision making process
Hello students Welcome to a new module. The topic of this module is decision making. The module includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz. Do not hesitate to contact me via the Discord. Enjoy your studies Jiri M. Krupka (hereinafter only JMK)
4.4 Applications from the institutional aspects: Process of multi criteria decision making
Hello students Welcome to a new module. Its topic is decision based on multiple criteria. The module includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz. Do not hesitate to contact me via the Discord. Enjoy your studies Jiri M. Krupka (hereinafter only JMK)
Sustainable Mobility
About Lesson

Cargo bikes are transport means with specific operating demands. Factors that may not be important to other transport means may be critical to the use of cargo bikes. The use of cargo bikes for the last mile delivery is therefore not universally applicable.

Cargo bikes are currently operated in many cities with diverse geomorphologic, weather, and urbanistic conditions. Also, the infrastructure and its quality may vary.

Read the attached text and learn how local conditions can affect operation of cargo bikes for last mile delivery.

Exercise Files
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