Exercise Files
Basic information about the module
Dear students,
please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us via Discord.
Sustainable Mobility Team
Your collaborative student project
Dear students,
please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us via Discord or MS Teams.
Sustainable Mobility Team
1.1 General introduction: Environmental aspects of sustainable mobility
Dear students,
welcome to a new lesson. The topic of the lesson is environmental aspects related to sustainable mobility. The lesson includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz.
Enjoy your studies.
Monika Bartošová (Skalská)
1.2 Applications from the environmental aspects: Measures in European cities in the context of the environmental aspects of sustainable mobility
Welcome, dear student, to the Environmental Aspects of Sustainable Mobility application section, which deals with Measures in European cities in the context of the environmental aspects of sustainable mobility. If you have any questions, contact me on Discord. Jan Chocholáč (jan.chocholac@upce.cz)
1.3 Applications from the environmental aspects: Cargo bike in cities
This lesson will guide you through the world of cargo bikes in cities.
1.4 Applications from the environmental aspects: Emission calculators
Welcome, dear student, to the Environmental Aspects of Sustainable Mobility application section, which deals with emission calculators and their use. If you have any questions, contact me on Discord. Jan Chocholáč (jan.chocholac@upce.cz)
2.1 General introduction: Economic aspects of sustainable mobility
Dear students,
welcome to a new lesson. The topic of the lesson is economic aspects related to sustainable mobility. The lesson includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz.
Enjoy your studies.
Monika Bartošová (Skalská)
2.2 Applications from the economic aspects: Intermodal transport
2.3 Applications from the economic aspects: Logistics centers
This lesson will show you the importance of logistics centers in distribution chains and how these centers can contribute to sustainable urban mobility.
2.4 Applications from the economic aspects: Interoperability in transport in connection with CBTC
3.1 General introduction: Social aspects of sustainable mobility
Dear students,
welcome to a new lesson. The topic of the lesson is social aspects related to sustainable mobility. The lesson includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz.
Enjoy your studies.
Monika Bartošová (Skalská)
3.2 Applications from the social aspects: Public service obligation
If you want to learn about public services, you have come to the right place!
3.3 Applications from the social aspects: Modern public transport systems
3.4 Applications from the social aspects: Accessibility of Public Transport for All
In this course, you will learn about the conditions of designing of barrier-free environment of public space and public transport in the Czech Republic and in some foreign countries.
4.1 General introduction: Institutional aspects of sustainable mobility
Dear students,
welcome to a new lesson. The topic of the lesson is institutional aspects related to sustainable mobility. The lesson includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz.
Enjoy your studies.
Monika Bartošová (Skalská)
4.2 Applications from the institutional aspects: Plans for sustainable mobility
4.3 Applications from the institutional aspects: Decision making process
Hello students
Welcome to a new module. The topic of this module is decision making. The module includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz.
Do not hesitate to contact me via the Discord.
Enjoy your studies
Jiri M. Krupka (hereinafter only JMK)
4.4 Applications from the institutional aspects: Process of multi criteria decision making
Hello students
Welcome to a new module. Its topic is decision based on multiple criteria. The module includes videos, texts, audio recordings and a final quiz.
Do not hesitate to contact me via the Discord.
Enjoy your studies
Jiri M. Krupka (hereinafter only JMK)