Course Content
Orientation, introduction to the course
1. Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
2. Research Methods in Human-Robot Interaction
3. Smart Cities & HRI
The demand for city living is already high, and it appears that this trend will continue. According to the United Nations World Cities Report, by 2050, more than 70% of the world's population will be living and working in cities — one of many reports predicting that cities will play an important role in our future (UN-Habitat, 2022). Thus, as cities are growing in size and scope, it is shaped into complex urban landscape where things, data, and people interact with each other. Everything and everyone has become so connected that Wifi too often fails to meet digital needs, online orders don't arrive fast enough, traffic jams still clog the roads and environmental pollution still weighs on cities. New technologies, technical intelligence, and robots can contribute to the direction of finding solutions to ever-increasing problems and assist the evolution of the growing urban space.
Human-Robot Interaction
About Lesson

What are the advantages and functionalities of these infrastructures?

Self-control and accuracy in decision-making: These systems automatically monitor an asset’s internal structure, the state of its materials, and the circumstances surrounding its use to increase the accuracy and speed of decision-making. Knowing the status of traffic, public transit, and parking spots would be one example of a smart city. This would allow for the creation of better routes for either public transportation or private vehicles.

Cost-effectiveness and savings: These intelligent solutions enable businesses to make better use of their resources so they may accomplish more with less. Controlling a building’s consumption of heating or electricity is one example.

Reliability: This is the ability of a company to continue offering its services with the maximum level of dependability by minimizing system outages and unanticipated problems.

Keeping the infrastructure and users safe, adapting to changes, and being adaptable to both human mistakes and natural calamities are all part of sustaining safety and resilience. The management of seating at large events can serve as an illustration of this.

Interaction with users and user empowerment: Smart infrastructures improve user experience and offer services that respond to changing consumer needs. A citizen-created APP or municipal WhatsApp that allows users to interact with some of the services and find items for sale or local news is an example of a smart city.

Sustainability: This benefit relates to the fact that decision-making is optimized to ensure that all controlled resources are used sustainably. For instance, cities could manage their garbage, water, and energy more effectively.

(Ogie et al., 2017)


Ogie, R. I., Perez, P., & Dignum, V. (2017). Smart infrastructure: an emerging frontier for multidisciplinary research. Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-smart infrastructure and construction, 170(1), 8-16.