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Choosing the Appropriate Significance Test
To choose the appropriate significance test, you should first consider the type of data you have, whether it is discrete or continuous. If you’re looking to compare data, you need to determine if you’re comparing data from two or more groups or to a benchmark, or if you’re just looking for an estimate of precision. For the former, it’s important to consider whether the groups of data come from the same or different users, and whether there are two groups or more than two groups to compare.
Then you can use decision maps, such as the ones proposed by Sauro and Lewis (2016).
Sauro, J., and Lewis, J. R., (2016). Quantifying the user experience: Practical statistics for user research: Morgan Kaufmann.
Dix, A. (2020). Statistics for HCI: Making Sense of Quantitative Data. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
Robertson, J., & Kaptein, M. (2016). An introduction to modern statistical methods in HCI (pp. 1-14). Springer International Publishing.
Larson-Hall, J. (2015). A guide to doing statistics in second language research using SPSS and R. Routledge.
Aldrich, J. O. (2018). Using IBM SPSS statistics: An interactive hands-on approach. Sage Publications.