We think there are many similarities between robots and smart cities. They sense, process, and act on the physical world at various scales and with various elements. Both of these may share many of the same benefits and drawbacks, and they may become more pronounced
when the two technologies work together to supply services and share data. The lives of the inhabitants would be significantly impacted by these changes, thus we planned an event to highlight robotics breakthroughs for Smart City integration, compare existing solutions, and show the state of the art to city stakeholders.
In this context, research examines the use of robotics in service management, a topic that has recently attracted interest but is still understudied in terms of data collecting while offering robotic services, specifically in Smart Cities. These services have a great potential to raise the standard of currently non-robotic services by operating through autonomous and flexible interfaces based on interaction systems that permit the capture and storing of data collected through sensors and monitoring systems (Rivera et al., 2020).
Rivera, R., Amorim, M., & Reis, J. (2020, June). Robotic services in smart cities: An exploratory literature review. In 2020 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.