Course Content
Orientation, introduction to the course
1. Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
2. Research Methods in Human-Robot Interaction
3. Smart Cities & HRI
The demand for city living is already high, and it appears that this trend will continue. According to the United Nations World Cities Report, by 2050, more than 70% of the world's population will be living and working in cities — one of many reports predicting that cities will play an important role in our future (UN-Habitat, 2022). Thus, as cities are growing in size and scope, it is shaped into complex urban landscape where things, data, and people interact with each other. Everything and everyone has become so connected that Wifi too often fails to meet digital needs, online orders don't arrive fast enough, traffic jams still clog the roads and environmental pollution still weighs on cities. New technologies, technical intelligence, and robots can contribute to the direction of finding solutions to ever-increasing problems and assist the evolution of the growing urban space.
Human-Robot Interaction
About Lesson

Self-driving cars

In basic terms, self-driving cars are robots that allow the user to be a passenger. While autonomous cars are not yet widely available, most cars now have some level of advanced driver assistance technologies (ADAS) installed, such as lane following, adaptive cruise control, and automatic parking systems, among others. Many of these systems require an effective human-machine interface for the driver to use. Additionally, self-driving cars require interfaces that enable them to understand the actions and intentions of other drivers, as well as ways to express their own intentions to other drivers. Car drivers use a range of signals to communicate their intent to other drivers, such as slowing down when approaching a crosswalk to indicate it is safe for pedestrians to cross. Jaguar Land Rover developed a more explicit method of communication by putting “googly eyes” on their cars to signal attentiveness to pedestrians. Interactions with the driver don’t just happen through the car’s interface, but often require autonomous technology to communicate why a decision was made.


To read more about how drivers prefer a message that explains “why” an action was taken read more here:

To examine how people perceive and respond to self-driving cars a study was conducted in which a driver is disguised as a car seat, making it seem like the car is self-driving, read more here:

See a video on how self-driving cars work:


Bartneck, C. et al. (2020) Human-Robot Interaction: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available at: