Course Content
Analysis and synthesis of spatial conditions
This part of the course will first discuss issues related to urban space, and urban design methodology. Then during the workshop, under the guidance of the Trainers, your task will be to prepare spatial analyses. Each group of analyses will be accompanied by step-by-step questions to help you with their implementation. The tutors are available online all the time during the workshop and ready to help you. After the workshop, you will send the material to the designated cloud address. After reviewing the material, the Tutor will give you a correction of the presented material during the individual online consultation, but this is not an evaluation. Evaluation of this part will take place during the final discussion.
Project assumptions and inspiration
After we have familiarized ourselves with the conditions, identified the problems, and noted the possibilities of the site, in design we move on to establishing design assumptions. We will revolve around terms and policies and strategies from various fields related to sustainable development. As in the previous task, first there will be an introduction, then a workshop during which you and your partners will prepare design assumptions, look for inspiration. The next step will be feedback and this topic will close with a joint presentation.
Implementation of the project
In this phase of the module, we move on to the actual design. The phase is divided into two phases, during which three workshops will be held. In the first phase, we will answer the question: Where do we start designing in a comprehensive urban design project? It will conclude with a discussion and closure of the concept. The next phase and workshop will focus on the technical finishing of drawings according to technical standards. And the final workshop will be the development of the public space concept, model and presentation.
Urban design glossary
Here you will find the concepts that appear on the course and with which you should be familiar. These terms will appear in the quizzes, but you should also use them in your discussion or presentation, as this will be one of the things we will pay attention to.
Urban Design – Sustainable Downtown Area In the City
About Lesson

Mix of functions

  • Mix of functions was a phenomenon typical for ancient citiesalthough there was a clustering of craft industries in medieval towns
  • Modernist urban planning introduced the segregation of mutually conflicting functionswhich was often over-interpreted and led to reduced accessibility to many services and had to be compensated for by the increased mobility of the population
  • Nowadaysthe diversification of functions as a tool to provide an opportunity to reduce the necessary mobility and thus energy consumptionemissions and the burden on urban space is an important element of sustainable design.

How do we think about designing buildings and spaces?