In the first part of this online module you have learned about 3D printing as a process in general and why sustainability is important. In the next part the focus is on the individual steps in the 3D printing process and how to make more sustainable choices.
The 3D-Printing Process
In the graphical illustration you can see the different steps of the 3D printing process, which you have experienced before.
3D Modelling – here you will learn about how to retrieve 3d models from the internet and how to create your own. This also includes how to make resource-efficent choices.
(STL Export)
Slicing – here you will learn about how to adjust the settings in a slicer-software and how to make resource-efficient choices
(G-Code Export)
3D Printing – here you will learn about how to make sure your planned 3d print excutes the way you want to as well as common mistakes and errors and how to work with them.
Are you ready?