Another way to get a 3D model is using the maker community online.
A lot of makers around the world share their 3D printing projects, so others can re-print it, adjust it and make it their own. Often these projects can serve as an inspiration on how to solve a specific problem. Especially if you are looking for spare parts for a repair, give it a try before trying to 3d model it yourself.
But be aware: not all files are licensed to be adjusted or to be used commerically.
One of the biggest platforms is Thingiverse. Here you can look for the most popular projects, search for a specific topic and see final products other makers have created.
- Think about something that you need a repair for. Can you find a spare part on Thingiverse? Share the piece on Discord, what was your experience?
- Have a look around on Thingiverse, to see if you find something of interest.
- If you want to download a file, click Download all and save the file on your PC.
However, platforms like Yeggi or Thangs offer a great amount of free 3D models as well.
Feel free to share your models and makes on these platforms!